
Sustainability at BAMIN is integrated into our corporate strategy and firmly enshrined in the company’s values. All projects are devised so as to integrate feasibility and continuity strategies, as well as analysis of the best ways to minimize possible impacts on the environment. BAMIN is committed to addressing and navigating the complex development challenges faced by contemporary society, as defined by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

We announce the publication of our first Sustainability Report. This document covers the year 2022 and is an important milestone in our journey, reaffirming our commitment to transparency and the search for a more sustainable future.


We are committed to work for the conservation of natural assets, and adoption of international standard practices when managing the environmental risks associated with our operations. We actively engage with the climate change agenda, through the reduction of our carbon emissions, the creation of adaptable assets and our prominent role in the green steel market.


We adhere to a commitment to the development and well-being of local communities, and unfailing respect for the particularities of each local culture, and guarantee of these communities’ safety. We are also committed to maintaining a safe, healthy, and inclusive work environment for all employees, facilitating their professional development irrespective of position or background.


We are committed to raising standards of corporate governance, ensuring ethics and guaranteeing that integrity is always integral to the conduct of business. We work hard to foster communication and close relationships with stakeholders, engaging the supply chain in the sustainability agenda.


We are committed to work for the conservation of natural assets, and adoption of international standard practices when managing the environmental risks associated with our operations. We actively engage with the climate change agenda, through the reduction of our carbon emissions, the creation of adaptable assets and our prominent role in the green steel market.


  • SDG 6 - Clean water and Sanitation
    • For the production of itabirite concentrate, the mill project already includes recirculation systems, which will use 90% of the water used in production.
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
    • We have introduced articulate matter containment initiatives such as wind fence, sprinkler and irrigation systems, wetting and application of polymers on the ore stockpiles.
  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
    BAMIN supports the Waste Circuit Project, with the Cooperative of Selective Collection of Caetité/BA (COOPERCICLI), generating work and income by fostering selective collection and composting.
  • SDG 13 - Action against global climate change
    BAMIN's iron ore is of premium quality, with Iron content of around 65% and low contaminants. This type of ore is far less carbon intensive to produce, and therefore positively contributes to the industry’s emissions performance.
  • SDG 14 - Life below water
    The area of Porto Suls contains 12 aquatic biota monitoring stations. The monitoring program has started in 2019.
  • SDG 15 - Life on land
    • BAMIN has invested in the creation of a reference model center specializing in the treatment of wild fauna: the Wild Animal Screening and Rehabilitation Center of Porto Sul (CETRAS). The center is located in the Porto Sul Environmental Center (CAPS), in Ponta da Tulha (Ilhéus/BA). The Cetras ranks among the most modern screening and rehabilitation centers for wild animals in Brazil.

    We adhere to a commitment to the development and well-being of local communities, and unfailing respect for the particularities of each local culture, and guarantee of these communities’ safety. We are also committed to maintaining a safe, healthy, and inclusive work environment for all employees, facilitating their professional development irrespective of position or background.


  • SDG 4 - Quality education
    A BAMIN apoia o Projeto Canteiro Escola, constituído em parceria com o SENAI e empreiteiras do empreendimento do Porto Sul, com objetivo de capacitar jovens das comunidades do entorno para atuarem como auxiliar civil, motorista de obra da construção civil, operação de rolo compactador, operação de trator esteira e operação de escavadeira e retro.
  • SDG 5 - Gender equality
    • BAMIN participates in the Women in Mining Brasil (WimBrasil) movement, which aims to increase and support the participation of women in the mining sector.
  • SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth
    • BAMIN believes in of the value of entrepreneurship and has supported production groups in areas such as industrial clothing, cooking, beekeeping, and handicrafts, operating in the municipalities of Caetité and Pindaí. The support is undertaken under the auspices of the Transform Project, which is responsible for guiding projects encouraging entrepreneurship through job training, income generation, focus on creative economy, family agriculture, and sustainable production.
    • BAMIN has adopted as standard practice the hiring of at least 60% local labor.
  • SDG 10 - Reduced inequalities
    BAMIN prepared its Diversity and Inclusion Code with the aim of detailing and clarifying the norms of the culture that the company promotes in the workplace – which values diversity and inclusivity.
  • SDG 11 - Sustainable cities and communities
    • BAMIN supports the municipalities of Caetité and Ilhéus as they prepare their master plan.
    • BAMIN supports the Germinate Action Program, which aims to strengthen cooperatives composed of rural farmers located in the communities surrounding the mine, who sell organic products sourced from the municipalities of Caetité, Guanambi, and Pindaí. The primary goal of the programme is to make the cooperatives sustainable by strengthening rural producers.

    We are committed to raising standards of corporate governance, ensuring ethics and guaranteeing that integrity is always integral to the conduct of business. We work hard to foster communication and close relationships with stakeholders, engaging the supply chain in the sustainability agenda.


  • SDG 16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions
    • BAMIN's employees undergo annual training on our Code of Conduct and Compliance Policies.
    • BAMIN has a Counterparty Due Diligence Procedure (CPDD), which applies to the company's business partners and related parties.
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