Compliance begins visits and training sessions with employees

From Code of Conduct to Human Rights: topics will be covered in face-to-face meetings and gamification throughout the year

BAMIN, through its Compliance department, began a series of training sessions for its employees in February. The aim of the initiative is to reinforce the company’s standards, codes of conduct and internal policies on compliance and stakeholder relations. As in past years, in addition to visits to all units with face-to-face meetings, gamification and post-training interviews are also planned.

“We want to further strengthen BAMIN’s compliance issues. The idea is to demonstrate how important these issues are, reinforcing our principles and values and enabling the entire team to understand and disseminate our organization’s Compliance culture,” says Sandro Oliveira, the company’s general manager for Compliance. “Through visits and the presence of Compliance, we hope to reinforce our principles and values even more, engaging our team even more,” he adds.

The first topic covered by the area was the Code of Conduct. According to the agenda, visits and training sessions will be held between now and April to deal with Emotional Intelligence, linked to bullying and inappropriate behavior, as well as relations with politically exposed people and government institutions.

In a second phase, conflict of interest, business ethics and conscious use of data and the internet (Data Protection and LGPD) will also be covered in the training sessions. Finally, in the second half of the year, the company’s Compliance department will deal with the topics of fraud, money laundering and corruption, social and corporate responsibility, and human rights.




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